The American television network CBS has a sports broadcasting division called CBS Sports. The CBS Entertainment Group division of Paramount Global owns CBS Sports Network, an American digital cable and satellite television network called CBSSN.
How to Activate On your PC or TV
- You must activate your device before using the CBS Sports app to stream content. Select the event you wish to watch to turn on your device. Either input the five-digit code at the URL to activate your device or use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code.
- It would be best if you chose your TV provider after this. And then, contact your TV provider if you can’t find your TV. Just like Dish, Hulu,, Verizon, or someone else.
- By selecting the “ALL PROVIDER” button at the bottom, which displays a list of every TV channel, you may find out what TV you have.
4: After that, sign in with your TV provider’s username and password.
- Choose “Start Watching” after checking in to begin seeing the newest episodes and full seasons of your local CBS station and the current CBS network.
How to Activate on iPad or iPhone:
- After opening the CBS-installed application on your device,
- Choose “Sign In With TV Provider.”
- Click “Select TV Provider.”
- Pick the TV provider you currently use.
- To log in, use the login information you received from your TV provider.
- After logging in, select “Start Watching” to stream the CBS station in your area.
How to Activate On Android Cell:
- After opening the CBS-installed application on your device,
- Choose “Sign In With TV Provider.”
- Click “Select TV Provider.”
- Pick the TV provider you currently use.
- To log in, use the login information you received from your TV provider.
- After logging in, select “Start Watching” to watch complete seasons of current television series and your local CBS station.